School News
Seniors Attend Atlantic Union College Open House
Published: October 15, 2004

Ms. Perez and Mr. Patterson accompanied the seniors to AUC.

Senior Students at Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, MA.
The Atlantic Union College (AUC) open house was very interesting. It took place in Lancaster, Massachusetts on the AUC campus. This trip was a great experience for me. As soon as we got to AUC we were greeted by wonderful people who were so kind and full of energy. While there we were given a tour of the campus. The guide showed us many places like the White house, Brown House, and the Machlan Auditorium where they have worship.
AUC is known for their exceptional nursing program. As far as we know AUC has one of the best nursing programs of all the Adventist Colleges. We were taken to the nursing facility where human care is practiced by the using of dummy dolls. Although AUC has smaller facilities than average colleges they make use of what they have and surpass the other colleges and universities when it comes time for the test to certify the nurses.

Students enjoyed AUC's beautiful historic campus.

Some seniors having a little too much fun on campus.
The second day there, we went to the workshops which were held in the Machlan Auditorium. A man by the name of Wayne Dumbar was in charge. He told us about the school, we discussed financial aid, scholarship programs, and the different fields of study. Later on he asked us what we wanted to study. I told him that I wanted to be a social worker. We were grouped according to our field of interest. My group was very interesting. The professors were Dr. Susan Willoughby and Professor Sandra Hinds. The social workers of the school spoke about the different topics that I can work with like child development, correctional facilities, and family counseling. It really inspired me to do more research in my field and to learn more about it. In all I would say they were very persuasive.
For activities they allowed us to go to the student hall and watch movies. We also went to the gym. Besides those two, some students decided to go to the library and read. To conclude I'd say it was a very fun and educational trip. You never know I just might end up being enrolled in AUC.