School News

Lillian Mitchell, Principal
Principal's First Quarter Report
Published: November 8, 2004
Dear Parents:
The first half of the first semester is over. We hope that your child's experiences to date have been positive ones. Please take a little time to review the following points of information:
Week-of-Prayer. Greater New York Academy was blessed with time for spiritual emphasis during the first week of November. Our speaker was Pastor Shane Vidal. On Friday morning, November 5, 2004, four students took their stand and were baptized by Pastor Hamidan at the Greater New York Academy.
Mid Semester. You should receive your child's mid semester report in the mail by Friday November 12, 2004. If your account is in arrears the report card will not be mailed so please take care of your financial account as soon as possible.
Parent/Teacher Conference. On November 18, 2004 beginning at 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. parent/teacher conferences convenes. This is an opportunity for all parents to visit Greater New York Academy and speak with each of your child's teacher regarding his/her progress. It is important that all parents be in attendance. We look forward to seeing you at that time.
Home Study International. I am aware that there are several students currently enrolled with Home Study International. It is important that these classes be completed by January 10, 2005. Please note that the teachers at Greater New York Academy have in the past proctored and are continuing to proctor these examinations for students who need this service. You just need to indicate the name of the teacher on your Home Study International Application Form. To avoid confusion, the guidance counselor's name may be given as the individual responsible for proctoring the examinations. Her name is Mrs. Diosalma Melgar. You must use the address for Greater New York Academy because the examination must be sent to her.
Home/School. The Home/School Association at Greater New York Academy is hosting an International Food Fair on Sunday, November 21, 2004 in the school's gymnasium beginning at 2:00 p.m. This is an invitation to all our parents to come out and support this venture. It is a time for socializing and just having fun while at the same time raising some much needed funds.
Monthly Statements. These are mailed at the beginning of each month. Payment is due by the 15th of each month. Prompt and regular payments are necessary for the school to meet it's financial obligations. The school board policy requires that student accounts remain current at all times.
Please remember that if there are concerns, you may call or schedule an appointment to see me. I am looking forward to seeing each one of you on Parent/Teacher conference day.
Mrs. L. Mitchell, Principal