School News
Fall Week of Prayer
Published: November 15, 2004
Greater New York Academy continues to fulfill its mission relative to the spiritual growth and development of the students in preparing them for eternity. To this end the week of November 1-5, 2004 was a memorable one. On Friday November 5, 2004, Pastor G. Earl Knight, executive secretary of the Greater New York Conference and Dr. Bordes Henry Saturne, superintendent of education of the Greater New York Conference joined the Greater New York Academy family as they experienced the culmination of the fall week-of-prayer, witnessing four students being baptized. Pastor Hamidan went in the water and baptized Angela Caesar, Dominique Daniels, Jasmine Farrel and Kelvon Alexander. There was joy on the faces of the entire student body as they witnessed their school mates make this public expression of their decision to follow Jesus all the way.
Pastor Shane Vidal was the speaker during this week. It was a spirit filled week in which many of the students recommitted their lives to Christ. Daily our students were reminded that a life of sin was not worth it, but that a life with Christ was very rich and rewarding, and in the end would give eternal life.
The theme for the week was "Cool in Jesus; Living with a Purpose". The theme song was "Jesus is the Rock on which I stand".
We praise God for those students who were baptized and we continue to pray for those who are contemplating baptism. This is the essence of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education.