School News
Meet Gamma Nu Alpha's 2005-2006 President
Published: May 19, 2005

Jennifer Valcin, GNA President
My name is Jennifer Valcin and I am the Student Association president for the 2005-2006 school year. I am the leader for a better Greater. Many of you might be wondering, "What can she do for us?" and "why was she chosen to be our leader?" Well, as most of you know, I practically "grew up" in this school. Throughout the years, I have seen many student associations and how they worked. Those that succeeded had leaders with a vision for the school, and those that failed lack organization and imagination. I am a leader with a vision for greatness. It is nice to have many ideas on how to make our school better; however, ideas will only remain ideas until there is someone who will take the initiative to step forward and make things happen.
I know that you must be tired of the political promises that seem to be forgotten once power is issued. I know you must be tired of the lack of activity in our school. I know that you must be tired of having opinions and never having your voice heard. To tell you the truth, I feel the same way. Year after year after year we have had the same old tired thing happening, and I know that this school is capable of even greater things.
You want a leader that can take charge and handle the weight of being your President. You want a leader who will take the time to listen to what you have to say instead of ignoring the people and acting as if you don't matter. You want a President who will work tirelessly to make Greater truly great.
As I stated while I was running, I will need your support to make things happen. SA stands for student association. That means that we are to be working for YOU and WITH YOU. I will bring back the Association in Student Association. What I care about is your opinion. I'm sure many of you would like to see something different as far as activities and clubs for our school. I want to see it too. As your President, I will work tirelessly to bring back the drama club, the science club, the foreign language club, and whatever other clubs that will enhance student's life at Greater.
From 1996 to 2001, Greater had SA's that were on the move. Under my leadership we will have a better Greater again. I won't stand for mediocrity; that is unacceptable. Just forget about failure; that is not an option.
I am Jennifer Valcin, The leader for a better Greater.