School News
Back to School 2005
After Busy Yet Relaxing Summer Vacation
Published: September 1, 2005

Students and staff are back to school with renewed determination for success after what seems to have been a busy yet enjoyable 2005 summer.
Students report engaging in various activities during the summer. Some incoming ninth graders, like Alyson Jamel, spent part of the summer in an eighth-grade school trip. She went to Florida with the graduating class of Oakview Preparatory School. Sophomore Kathryn Mattenson, joined other youth from the Greater New York Conference in a mission trip to Mexico. "It was fun," she said. "I liked being able to help people who really needed it."
St. Louis, MI, was another popular destination for many who attended the General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Senior Steves Romain says it was interesting, and he especially remembers the music in the event, particularly the Cadet Sisters, a female group that "sang a five-part harmony acapella that sounded so sweet," he added.
Not all was traveling and tourism. Some spent part of the summer working, like junior Hazel Blackman. "I got some extra money," she says. "Some of it went into my savings account, and the rest was for my back to school expenses." Hard at work was also Mr. Manwaring, the school's maintenance person, who spent quite some time painting, plastering and fixing lockers. Mr. Manwaring did however have some time off and he used it traveling to Trinidad. "I enjoyed beautiful sunshine," he says.
Some teachers, as usual, attended summer classes at Atlantic Union College, like Mrs. Nicoleau, who also used the summer to help her daughter settle in California, where she is doing her graduate studies at Loma Linda University, and went on a Caribbean cruise. Miguelina Luciano is back after enjoying an extended vacation to care for her recently born grandson, Abraham. She also visited Cancun with some friends, and says she missed the academy so much she could not think of doing anything else but come back.
It seems there is a general positive spirit about coming back to school. Students, like Senior Crystal Notice, say they look forward to it. "I'm expecting to do my best," she says. "Regardless of any circumstance, I'm going to make the best of my last year." The excitement seems to have to do with the idea of advancing into higher levels of accomplishment. "I've been looking forward to my junior year," says A.J. Poblador. This good spirit is accompanied by a hopeful outlook, like that of sophomore Joseph Coleman, who anticipates a good year.
Teachers too share the positive outlook. New French teacher, Mrs. DurĂ¡n, feels it is a priviledge to be at Greater, and hopes to do her best in accomplishing the school's mission. "I feel good being back to school," says Mrs. dos Santos, the school's registrar. "I like to be around the students. I love working with adolescents." With renewed energy teachers are determined to do a better job. Mr. Ochoa says he is confident that he can help his students accomplish higher academic performance.
Those who are not quite acquainted with the academy may not have caught on the spirit yet. Incoming freshman Kevin Stewart says being at Greater is "OK". For them Student Association President, Jennifer Valcin, says "this year is going to be a new fresh start, so let's try and get off on the right foot. For those who are new to the school: welcome, enjoy your time here, and may it be successful."